Friday, June 12, 2020

Eternal security debate: Douglas Jacoby & Thomas Ross, now live!

As regular readers of this blog likely know, I had the privilege of engaging in a two-part debate with Dr. Douglas Jacoby, a minister in the denomination that calls itself the "church of Christ" and was started by Alexander Campbell and his associates in the 1800s, last month over the topic of whether baptism is the moment of the new birth (the Bible says "no," John 3:16, and so did I, while his denomination says "yes.").  We broadcast that debate, which took place on Saturday, May 9, on livestream.  Early on Sunday May 10 we debated the question of eternal security.  Our eternal security debate, in which I was in the affirmative, was over the specific topic: "Those truly born again can never finally and eternally perish."  This debate was not broadcast on livestream, so you can only see it by clicking on the video below or watching it on YouTube by clicking here:

I believe that the debate went well and the truth of eternal security was clearly presented and defended by God's grace and for His glory alone.  A number of the arguments I made were identical to those made in the Kent Brandenburg / Larry Hafley debate over eternal security, and Dr. Jacoby was no more successful refuting them than Mr. Hafley had been (although Dr. Jacoby is far more polite and does not employ the smoke-and-mirrors tactics and antics of Mr. Hafley).

If you believe in eternal security--as you should--watching the debate should strengthen your ability to confess and defend the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.  If you do not believe in eternal security, you should watch this debate and seriously consider if God requires that you believe this crucial doctrine closely related to the core of the gospel.

Many thanks to those who prayed for the debate, helped with the debate preparation, and equipped the saints so that a serious defense of the faith was possible.

If you believe the video glorifies God, please feel free to "like" it on YouTube and post a comment. Responding to comments by anti-eternal security people and pro-baptism-as-the-moment-of-salvation people would also be appreciated, as I may not have time to respond myself.



Kent Brandenburg said...

Great job on the debate. He could attempt to cast doubt on the doctrine of eternal security, but since salvation is eternal, his attempt was unsuccessful. Your defense was clear.

KJB1611 said...

Praise the Lord!

Thank you as well for your work in debating Hafley on this. You probably recognized arguments you made.