Friday, November 30, 2018

Evan Roberts: Enemy of the Welsh Revival, Part 20 of 22

The content of this post is now available in the study of:

1.) Evan Roberts

2.) The Welsh Revival of 1904-1905

3.) Jessie Penn-Lewis

on the website. Please click on the people above to view the study.  On the FaithSaves website the PDF files may be easiest to read.


You are also encouraged to learn more about Keswick theology and its errors, as well as the Biblical doctrine of salvation, at the soteriology page at Faithsaves.

1 comment:

KJB1611 said...

By the way, usually Baptists who exalt Evan Roberts are entirely ignorant of what the Welsh Baptists themselves said about him. This is unfortunate. We should consider what our Baptist brethren said about him at the time more highly than we should consider the view of his hagiographical and usually continuationist biographers.