Monday, March 07, 2022

The Globalist and Leftist Institution and Media Use of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Many reading know President Trump's expressing genius to Putin is his way of playing American leftists.  He is also fond in calling those in power, "our stupid leaders."  Those on the left turn this into Trump and his supporters advocating for Putin and Russia.  When the media calls Trump a Putin supporter, he doesn't back away from his "genius" language, because he won't submit to their lie. This works nicely with the Russia narrative invented by the left between 2016 even until today.  They conform that narrative, which is a lie, to the Russian invasion.  The globalist left supports the Ukraine, which makes the invasion difficult to sort.

The left didn't support Ukraine.  President Obama gave them blankets.  Trump gave them javelins, perhaps the most effective weapon against Russian conventional warfare.  Ukraine did not gain NATO membership under any president.  The country became useful in the Obama years for Vice President Biden to benefit through its corruption.  Ukraine did not gain membership because of a malfeasance utilized by Biden and his son, Hunter.  Trump dug into the corruption by asking Zelensky for help with the investigation, attempting to tie U.S. aid to elimination of criminal crookedness.  The left impeached Trump for that.

Russia took Crimea under Obama and Biden.  Russia invades Ukraine under Biden.  Putin does nothing against Trump.  Trump hurts Putin, because he increased oil production until the United States became energy independent.  The lowered prices hurt Putin more than anything.  Look at the gas prices now.  This helps Putin, and President Biden does not ban Russian oil exports.  The United States then looks to Venezuelan oil production instead of increasing U. S. generation.

Putin in a religious manner sees the Ukraine as Russian.  Russian history started with Kiev, the Rus emerging there in the 10th century AD.  Vladimir I adopted a unique Russian Orthodoxy in 988.  When a cynical Putin became mistrustful of a Communism and a secular state, he embraced his version of religious nationalism, somewhat like a leader of a Moslem nation.  Like conservative Jews see Palestine as Israel, Putin sees Ukraine as Russian.  His version of Russian Orthodoxy plays a role in his aggression, irrationality, and brutality, much like a grand inquisitor burns heretics at the stake.

Trump understood the nationalistic instinct of Putin.  Yes, Putin wants to make Russia great again and with a religious fervor.  I'm sure he saw men like Putin in business.  He could respect his opposition in the business world and on the world scene without supporting them.  He states recognition of their toughness, a trait missing in those who allow homeless to defecate in our streets.

If the media and the Democrat Party cared about Zelensky and Ukraine, why did they not urge Obama or Biden to do more before the invasion?  They care now, because they see an opportunity to blame on inflation and the related high gas prices.  If they care about border security in the Ukraine, why not in our own country?

The underdog Ukrainians stand against Putin.  By nature, Americans reject imperialism.  The United States fought an imperialistic power for its own freedom.  Americans want a free Ukraine.  The left commandeers Zelensky like they did during the impeachment.

The left doesn't represent freedom.  Their wokeness didn't stand for Hong Kong against China.  President Biden and his son Hunter took money from China.  The left rejects freedom of speech.  They're for allowing perversion, a college male swimmer winning medals against women in the name of transgenderism.  They elevate a transgender general wearing a dress in the United States military.  The left doesn't want the freedom of adversarial speech.  They shut-down and cancel political opposition to vaccines, vaccine mandates, Covid origination, Covid restrictions, religious freedom, the Russian conspiracy, critical race theory, and voter fraud.  They don't allow creation in the school system.

First amendment freedom originates for political speech.  The left shuts down speech.  They control the public schools like Putin puts down his protestors.  Theirs and Putins are a religious fervor each with their own totalitarian values.

The United States has its own religion that sacrifices babies to abortion, defunds the police, and stops energy production for their apocalyptic eschatology.  When they pose to support the Ukraine, they calculate this for opposition to Trump.  They see a political opportunity.

I support the Ukraine.  Some doctrine consistent with true American values should guide our present and future involvement.  I'm against Putin.  However, everyone should understand the left's intentions of using this war for furthering its own agenda.  I don't know if Putin is worse than the leftists who appropriate the Ukraine to further their insidious causes.

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