Friday, July 24, 2020

What Does God Want From Me? God's Law, His Perfect Standard: Bible Study 3

On the last few Fridays I have posted Bible study #1: "What is the Bible?" (part 1B) and study #2, "Who is God?"  The video for part 3, "What does God want from me?" is embedded below.  The studies can be accessed on the Bible studies page on my website here or on YouTube (link to part 3) as well as through the embedded video. I would encourage you to "like" the video on YouTube as well as commenting on it both there and here if you believe it contains good content.

Studies #1 and #2 are often viewed as interesting and informative by the lost. Study #3 is where things start to hit home and "get personal," as it were. The Bible study defines sin, goes through the Ten Commandments and other commands God has given men, explains the sin nature and the imputation of Adam's sin, explains what God promises for perfect obedience--the kind only Christ has ever rendered--and any disobedience--the state into which all the rest of mankind falls--and then explains why the attempts people make to get out of the threatenings of God's law fail.  The study is designed to be used by the Holy Spirit to produce conviction of sin in the unconverted, and prepare them to hear the glorious gospel, the saving work of the crucified and risen Lord, Jesus Christ--in study #4.

Study #3: God's Law


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