Here is a chart with the texts of his arguments and then mine. His passages are on the left and mine on the right after the dashes. These are just the arguments and whether they were answered. This does not deal with how poor his arguments were, so poor that they shouldn't really even be called arguments. You can see that I answered all of his arguments and he didn't answer 22 of mine. (a=answered)Hafley Arg—Brand. Answ-------------Brandenburg Arg—Haf Answ
Galatians 5:19-21 a-----------------------John 6:37 a
1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 a --------------------John 10:27-29 a
Revelation 22:14,15 a ---------------------John 6:39 a
Revelation 22:19 a ------------------------John 6:35
2 Peter 2:20-23 a -------------------------John 4:12, 13 a
1 Peter 1:10, 11 a -------------------------John 3:6
Hebrews 10:28, 29 a ----------------------John 3:8
Galatians 5:1-4 a --------------------------1 John 1:5-2:2
John 15:5, 6 a -----------------------------John 6:37 a
Luke 12:42-46 a --------------------------1 John 5:1 a
1 John 2:29/4:7/5:1 a ---------------------1 John 5:4 a
Revelation 3:5 a ---------------------------1 John 4:4 a
Galatians 6:7,8 a --------------------------1 John 3:14
Hebrews 3:1-14 a -------------------------1 John 3:6 a
Romans 8:12, 13 a -------------------------1 John 2:19 a
Ezekiel 33 a -------------------------------1 John 2:29
John 17:12 a ------------------------------1 John 4:12, 13 a
John 2:23-25 a ----------------------------John 17:11 a
John 6:66 a -------------------------------John 17:2 a
1 John 5:1 a ---------------------------------John 17:24 a
Jude 1:5 a ---------------------------------John 17:12 a
Revelation 3:5 a ---------------------------2 Timothy 1:12 a
Isaiah 24:5 a -------------------------------Philippians 1:6 a
Psalm 105:10, 11 a -------------------------Galatians 2:20 a
Joshua 23:11-13 a --------------------------Ephesians 2:8, 9
1 John 3:15 a -------------------------------Ephesians 2:10
2 Timothy 2:12 a ---------------------------2 Corinthians 5:17
Galatians 6:1 a ------------------------------1 Peter 1:4 a
0 Unanswered ------------------------------Philippians 2:12, 13 a
-------------------------------------------------Romans 8:29, 30 a
-------------------------------------------------Matthew 9:22
-------------------------------------------------John 18:9
-------------------------------------------------Matthew 7:21-23
-------------------------------------------------Jude 1:1 a
-------------------------------------------------Colossians 2:10 a
-------------------------------------------------Colossians 3:3
-------------------------------------------------Romans 8:35-39 a
-------------------------------------------------Romans 5:2 a
-------------------------------------------------Revelation 22:19
-------------------------------------------------Revelation 3:5
-------------------------------------------------John 5:24
-------------------------------------------------Hebrews 10:10 a
-------------------------------------------------Hebrews 10:14 a
-------------------------------------------------Hebrews 7:25
-------------------------------------------------Romans 8:27
-------------------------------------------------1 Corinthians 1:2
-------------------------------------------------2 Peter 1:3, 4 a
-------------------------------------------------Hebrews 12:7-11 a
-------------------------------------------------1 Corinthians 3:10-15 a
-------------------------------------------------Romans 6:14
-------------------------------------------------1 Corinthians 6:11
-------------------------------------------------Romans 16:13 a
-------------------------------------------------Romans 5:5
22 unanswered