Thursday, November 19, 2020

Woke Cards: First in Series of Woke Holiday Cards

Send someone a Woke Card for the next holiday.  Here is the first in a series of Woke Holiday cards.  This one is for Thanksgiving holiday.  Don't worry about paying for someone's housing, actually providing them a home, like parents do their children.  Instead, send that homeless person this Woke Thanksgiving card.  The person (not a he or a she) will enjoy this card.

If you want to signal your own virtue to your friends at Thanksgiving, send a card to a homeless person.  Your other woke friends will be impressed.  Make sure you let them know by talking about what you've done.  Tell them about Woke Cards.

Rather than spending money you could use for designer ripped jeans, yoga pants, or your own alcohol (not the alcohol that helped them become homeless), just buy a Woke Thanksgiving card instead.  Everyone will love you.  That homeless person will still be homeless, but these woke cards might make them feel something.  Woke Cards is here for you.


  1. KJB161110:31 AM

    This is a great idea. It also helps that people are very Biblically ignorant, so the vast majority will not know that James 2:16 is out of context.

  2. It does expose the Pharisaaism of the "Woke Christians." They are virtue signaling. How do you help the homeless? You spend time preaching the gospel to them. Nope. We're going to send a card to them and then tell everyone in the world we're doing it. This is not denying self, taking up cross, and following Jesus. They are literally with their cards saying, Be ye warm and filled, like James 2 warns is characteristic of unbelief.
