Sunday, November 01, 2020

A One Issue Conception Against Biden/Harris and For Trump: Why Are Washington DC Businesses Boarding Up Windows In Anticipation of Tuesday?

Businesses in Washington DC and across the nation are boarding up their windows in anticipation of the election on Tuesday (read here, here, here, here, here, and here).  The first link toward articles substantiating that activity provides the headline, "It’s Absolutely Heartbreaking to Watch Washington Boarding Up for an Election."  I've read various reports with such sentences as this:  "Election violence feared."  Here's another jewel:  "Don't loot in Chicago."

So, some simple questions.  Who is going to break these windows?  Who is going to loot?  From whom are we expecting violence?  It won't be Trump voters.  Washington DC is not getting ready to have its windows broken by Trump voters.  Everyone reading this knows that this new investment in plywood comes in anticipation of a Trump win (why do they anticipate that if the polls are correct?  Um.).

If Biden were to win, Trump voters will not break windows and loot and do violence.  They might parade and rally, but they don't riot.  They don't destroy property.  They don't hurt people because of whom they voted for.  You, my readers, know that.  Some of you don't care because you think some eggs need to be broken to make an omelet.  You're happy to see teeth missing in the mouths of Trump voters.  It's worth it for you for very superficial "reasons."

Biden is claiming to bring in light against darkness.  He's everybody's president and all that, unless he isn't.  Then, well, your windows will be gone.  Some are writing and he is advertising that he will unite the nation.  A party that threatens violence unless it gets its way is not a unifying force.  Biden himself won't even disavow antifa or BLM for their violence.  They "condemn all violence," but no one in particular, especially their people.  "Condemning violence" is symbolic language to them, their own dog whistle, that says, use violence because we won't say anything.

Many professing Christian voters are saying they must vote for Biden for the sake of the body politic, cleansing it, and so on and so forth.  Trump is a cancer, etc.  The chemotherapy is the threat of a lug wrench and a baseball bat.

Violence is threatened only for a Trump win.  The threat of violence for a Trump win has at least two effects.  One, Trump voters know they are being threatened.  This is what they are going to get if they vote for Trump.  They don't like being threatened with violence.  For them, this has an opposite effect.  They want to vote for him more than ever, because of this threat.

Two, the best outcome for Biden and Harris from the threat of violence of his supporters would be that the chaos will effect a vote for them.  It's like the burning of the Reichstag.  They blame on Trump the chaos and confusion and danger they cause.  People just want to end it all and they believe it will end if they vote for Biden.  They are right in a way.   The violence will greatly diminish if Biden wins, because his supporters will be happy.  This is violent extortion.  The threat of a criminal act elicits a reaction.  Without Trump, we can go back to the status quo.  This especially works for people not that concerned for religious freedom or being censored for unacceptable political speech.

Boards on windows are being nailed for Biden and Harris supporters.  They threaten the violence.  The police know this.  Major cities know this.  You know this.  You can't let Biden and Harris win.  You must vote Trump.  You know I'm telling you the truth.  If you vote for Biden and even for someone else besides Trump, you are aiding and abetting this kind of society.


Paragraph from Washington Examiner explaining the quiet or hidden Trump vote:

"There are a lot of people who are too afraid to put up a sign [for Trump]," he said, explaining that his neighborhood, more than an hour away, was mixed between Trump and Biden voters, and black and white voters. During the protests that followed the death of George Floyd, he said, "I pulled the Trump magnet off my Jeep. Everybody took their signs down. People don't want to be a target."

Someone put a large Trump sign in a field next to a road we drive every day.  It was torn down twice, all the other banners remaining up.  Everyone knows this.  The threat against freedom of religion and political speech comes from the left.  They're already planning it.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM


  2. I agree that's your best argument.

  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Right, because Trump supporters didn’t just threaten the Biden campaign bus on its way to Austin, causing the organizers to cancel the event. Nor did a pro Trump militia group just get caught trying to kidnap the Democrat governor of Michigan. Nor has Trump received adulation from David Duke, and other pro Trump militia groups, some of whom have been violent in the past. I must have imagined it when the FBI recently stated that right wing Pro Trump milia groups posed the greatest threat of post election violence. Yes, LOL is appropriate when faced with such willful ignorance.

  4. Anonymous,

    LOL is still your best and really only argument. It's also good you're anonymous like antifa with masks over their heads. Everything in that comment is a deflection. Who are the businesses boarding up for? Biden/Harris voters.

    I knew that someone would come with examples of Trump voters doing things. They've happened, but there isn't Trump voter rioting and looting in this widespread manner to do this in major cities across the U.S.

    I'm not going to print the other two anonymous name calling. LOL is below acceptability too.

    The Trump voters weren't threatening the bus. It was at worst a prank. It's not something I think they should do, especially because of how people like you and the media conflate it. Trump's DOJ captured and caught the militia people. Again, I'm not saying that right wingers won't do anything. I'm making the one point of why the cities are boarded up and you didn't say anything about that. There will be zero David Duke attacks on businesses in major cities. That is an irrelevant red herring like everything else you wrote. You know what I've written is true. I'm not going to publish any more of your anonymous comments.

  5. Everyone,

    I'm getting many anonymous comments here from different people apparently (how do you know?). The last one said I was lying in this post. I was a pastor and a liar, which is typical of his type. Do you think I'm lying here? That would mean, I assume, that I just sat down and said, how can I lie to make Biden supporters look bad, for a Trump vote? Then wrote this post. He asked if I had interviewed these business owners as to who they were expecting to break their windows.

    Calling me a liar and referencing that I'm a pastor is the same type of threat, and doing it anonymous -- this is the kind of strategy being done.

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM

    What you said is exactly true. I am sitting at a Trump rally in Kenosha WI. In the lead up to the rally they had a local Pastor pray. He was a Maranatha graduate. He prayed a great prayer. Kenosha as you know has been in the news. There are easily 10,000 supporters here. Kenosha knows who the rioters are. Trump will win Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota tomorrow!


  7. Thanks Jim. I hope you're right.

    I don't understand anonymous commenters, who come on and just insult, calling names.

  8. KJB16118:34 PM

    Downtown San Francisco is all boarded up. It is because of all the Trump supporters there who are going to burn, loot, and murder, of course.

  9. Anonymous8:49 PM

    27,500 at the Trump rally...this is not second place enthusiasm. At one point the President called Laura Trump up and she made a statement. She said a vote for Trump is a vote for God. At least they are not afraid to acknowledge God. I don’t see how you can not vote for Trump if you love freedom of religion.


  10. I don't believe I've commented since 2016 Election when I thanked you for your courage in sharing your views. Thank you, again. I do not know the root issue of those that disagreed last time and, even with proof of so much, have continued further down a path of hate for those defending Christian principles and an increased love and defense for those that are clearly anti-biblical. But I do know it is a gift from God to not feel so alone with prayer and hope for God to have mercy and grace in allowing us to live that "quiet and peaceable life". Again, thank you.
