Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Division, Chaos, and Agitation

 As of about a week ago, the Democrat party started admitting riots had occurred as what seemed to be only for the purpose of deniability.  Vice President Biden said a few days ago in a speech in Pittsburgh:

Rioting is not protesting.  Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. It's lawlessness, plain and simple. And those who do it should be prosecuted. Violence will not bring change. It will only bring destruction. It's wrong in every way. It divides instead of unites, destroys businesses, only hurts the working families that serve the community. It makes things worse across the board, not better.

He assigned no blame to those who actually did it, which again allows for deniability.  "I never said it was BLM or antifa."  Using the fire metaphor, actually lit by his own supporters, the former Vice President said that President Trump had fanned the flames.  Will people believe that President Trump is the cause of BLM, antifa, and other revolutionaries occupying and destroying American inner cities?  In the same speech, he said:

The common threat, the incumbent president who makes things worse, not better, an incumbent president who sows chaos rather than providing order. . . .  Trump has sought to remake this nation in his image. Selfish, angry, dark, and divisive. This is not who we are.

In answer to his speech, which you could read the transcript here, President Trump tweeted:

Just watched what Biden had to say. To me, he’s blaming the Police far more than he’s blaming the Rioters, Anarchists, Agitators, and Looters, which he could never blame or he would lose the Radical Left Bernie supports!

The situation of blaming the fires on President Trump reminds me of how Adolph Hitler came into power in Germany, when he set fire the Reichstag and then successfully blamed it on the Communists.  That was a different era, and one wouldn't think that the same strategy could work today.  However, I would like to explore the ideas of division, chaos, agitation, and their relationship to one another.  Two sides often point at one another and claim that the other is the one causing division.  Trump is causing division.

In more recent history of American Republican presidents, they have attempted to get along with the other side through compromise.  It's worth asking:  how did that go?  The left has a philosophy of Hegelian dialectics that takes a thesis and antithesis to form a synthesis.  The synthesis becomes the new thesis, which is left of the former thesis.  Their antithesis keeps moving leftward, not based upon absolute truth, but on postmodern deconstruction of all Western values.  Every new synthesis is left of what it was until everything loses meaning and nothing is sacred anymore.  It is an attack on absolute truth, where fornication or same sex is love, neither man or woman is man or woman, murder is choice, no property is private, and God doesn't exist.  This is all at the bottom of wokeness.

To combat the so-called progress, from the above described dialectic, division must occur.  It can't be a weak divide.  It must throw down a strong, impenetrable barrier of truth across which nothing can pass.  This is more important than getting along.  Without some kind of stand at this point, we've reached a juncture, if we haven't already, of no return.  We've got to stand now, or we will for sure be at a place of never coming back, even if we haven't already reached that. 

The chaos could be said to be caused by the one who will not just put up with the opposition.  Someone tries to give a speech and he can't keep talking because people are screaming, shouting him down.  A young person tries to lead in the state university and bring in a speaker who isn't deconstructing but declaring the original meaning of the words of a founding document.  He is threatened.  He continues along his path and chaos occurs.  The more people refuse to be canceled, the more strife, division, and chaos occurs.  The call to end chaos is the call to capitulation, to give up, to cede position and even territory, to relinquish freedom.

During Jesus' earthly ministry, more demonic activity was seen than at any point in history.  I said, "seen."  Demonic activity is always occurring, but with Jesus there in person, the demons were flushed out into the open and defeated at record pace.  An outward observer might say that Jesus caused more demonic activity.  If he wasn't around, the demons would not have been seen.  Everyone could have gone along their sweet way without this kind of agitation.

In recent days at multiple homes, I've watched extreme revolts of children against parents, screaming and yelling and opposing.  The parents relent.  Everything becomes a negotiation.  To get a handle on this kind of chaos, really solve it, authority must be used, punishment must be meted out.  Pain will be involved.  This will be criticized.  This will be fought.  It will be messy.  Most are too afraid or unwilling to face this anymore.  It doesn't look like unity.  It looks like division, chaos, and agitation.  All of that is a necessity, and you reader know this.

If we will not prepare ourselves for division, like Jesus did, we are giving up in a fight.  This is the fight for God, for truth, and for good.  We will be called divisive.  Understand that.  Chaos will ensue, somewhat like you might read in The Red Badge of Courage.  War is ugly.  People have called it hell.  Hell isn't the right word, but it isn't easy. Henry Fleming fled from the field of battle in Stephen Crane's classic novel. Anyone would understand someone doing this.  It's scary.  We need those who will stay in the fight and not give in.  We can't be afraid.  So much is at stake.


  1. Andrew11:57 PM

    And there's always time to make a stand against the synagogue of Satan.
