Friday, October 18, 2019

The King James Bible Research Council Defends a False Gospel

In 2015 I wrote a blog post entitled "The Dean Burgon Society and the King James Bible Research Council:  Would I Join Them?"  Despite their commendable and Biblical defense of the Received Text and the King James Bible, I had to answer the question "no" for a number of reasons which can be examined by reading my earlier post.  The clearest reason not to join--although the others were also enough--was that neither organization defended a pure gospel.  I illustrated that with the fact that in 2015 the King James Bible Research Council met on the premises of Quentin Road "Baptist" Church, home of Dayspring Bible College, two affiliated religious organizations that boldly, blatantly, and unashamedly reject Biblical repentance and even call it a counterfeit of Satan.  The statement below, from the doctrinal statement of Dayspring/Quentin Road, explains what Quentin Road and Dayspring Bible College believe about repentance:

Repent (metanoeo) means a change of mind. Repentance in salvation means a change of mind from any idea of religion that man may have and to accept God’s way of salvation. Repentance does not in any sense include a demand for a change of conduct before or after salvation. Matthew 21:32, Acts 20:21, II Corinthians 7:8-10. One of the counterfeits Satan is using today is the misuse of the word repent. To insist upon repentance that in any sense includes a demand for a change of conduct either toward God or man is to add an element of works or human merit to faith. Penance is payment for sin. Penitence is sorrow for sin. Works add something of self in turning from sin. But repent (metanoeo) means a change of mind. Repentance in salvation means a change of mind from any idea of religion that man might have and accepting God’s way of salvation. Nowhere does Scripture use the phrase, “repent of sin to be saved.”
Such a statement greatly corrupts Biblical repentance, and is neither Biblical nor Baptist (learn Biblical truth on repentance by clicking here).  Sadly, the King James Bible Research Council is meeting again this year--2019--at the Quentin Road religious organization's meeting place.  Furthermore, people advocating the anti-repentance false gospel taught at Dayspring Bible College and Quentin Road "Baptist" Church are on the board of directors of the King James Bible Research Council:  Phil Stringer, Vice President of the King James Bible Research Council, is also Vice President of Dayspring Bible College.  Thus, the KJBRC did not meet at Quentin Road by mistake.  (I personally contacted the president, Dr. David Brown, before the 2015 meeting--he is fully aware of what Quentin Road stands for.) 

The King James Bible Research Council, in addition to acceptance of an accursed false gospel, should by no means call itself a separatist or fundamentalist organization.  When people who believe exactly opposite things on the gospel itself can sit on its board of directors, it is plainly committed to anti-separatism, and to a rejection of Biblical separation of a kind that even many conservative evangelicals would not hold to--for the KJBRC is unwilling to separate over even the gospel itself.

It does not do much good if you hold to the King James Bible but go to hell because you believe a false gospel.  Do not support, associate with, or commend the King James Bible Research Council, but reprove it as an unfruitful work of darkness. If you run across one of the men who holds to a false gospel on its board of directors, preach the true gospel to him so that he can be saved, and warn those people on the board of directors who profess a true gospel to separate from the KJBRC.  Hear and obey the risen Christ's command:  "[H]ave no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Ephesians 5:11).


1 comment:

  1. Idolatrous humanists returning to the old Whore via Augustinianism & its traditions of corrupt 'Christianity', and the old occult/mystery societies out of Babel & Babylon building their own way and salvation. They serve the wrong kingdom & king, and seeking to save their lives by joining with the builders....they lose it. Through their policy they cause craft to prosper in their hands, they are lovers of their own selves....magnifying themselves in their deceitful hearts, & by peace deceive many. Unified to & under their false head they will stand up against the Prince of princes but shall be broken without hand. They are the blind leading the blind with both falling into the ditch in the end: without repentance & believing in the Lord Jesus Christ according to the scriptures, it's guaranteed. As our old Enemy well knows. The King James Bible believing movement is being infiltrated & turned, 'transformed' and 'evolved', as they call it by cunning, purpose driven, men & women of craft & the seducing, lying spirit behind them. I have met those purposely mistranslating the word of God & justifying it because they say men are gods, created in the image of god: therefore they are no longer bound by words! & can move beyond 'experiencing God' by which they mean merging with him in divinity. They are deceived, but have gained power while men slept. Now they are in the process of isolating, then removing (but the Lord will preempt their program) those who 'refuse to learn': meaning refusing to receive their false Babylonian light of idolatrous, self-divinizing man. Back to Inquisitional Dark Ages men willingly go with their 'blind leaps' and their 'thinking God's thoughts after him'. They lie like their father & never divulge their true allegiance or aims....using the Bible & its words to their own vain & self-serving ends, but not believing or submitting to it, or even to the evident truth of creation & conscience.
