Friday, April 05, 2019

Bethel Baptist & Word of Truth Sermons on YouTube: Help Increase the Number of People Watching

As you likely know if you like solid Biblical preaching, Bethel Baptist has a goodly number of fantastic sermons available on the web.  Bethel also has a YouTube channel where one can watch as well as listen to a great deal of solid teaching and preaching of God's Word.  However, many of the messages on YouTube are not maximized to get high numbers of viewers.  To increase viewership on YouTube, messages should have keywords and a description.  For example, my class on YouTube about the evidence for Israel's Egyptian Captivity and the Exodus not only has a title, but also a description of the content:

Israel's exodus from Egypt and Egyptian captivity are examined in Archaeological and Historical Evidence for the Bible, class #2. Archaeology demonstrates 'Habiru or Hebrew Asiatics were in Egypt at the time specified in the Bible, making bricks for the city of Pi-Ramesses. The unanimous testimony to Israel's Egyptian captivity and exodus are strong historical evidence for their facticity. The suzerain-vassal treaty format found in the Pentateuch strongly supports its Mosaic authorship. Furthermore, Hebrew inscriptional evidence from Sinai 347, 357 support Pharaoh's decree to murder the Hebrew children; Sinai 361 refers to Moses by name and Israel's slavery; and Sinai 375a refers to Ahisamach (Exodus 31:6; 35:34; 38:23), whose son Aholiab was one of the two primary metalworkers and craftsmen who built Israel’s tabernacle. The evidence compels leading Egyptologists to recognize the historical reality of Israel's captivity and exodus. This video is from a Bible college class taught by Thomas Ross at the Mukwonago Baptist Bible Institute; see the FaithSaves website and/or your bookstore for Prof. Ross's book on this subject or for more information.

A number of keywords for the class that relate to its content are also attached to the video; words like "Israel," "Exodus," "Egypt," "captivity," and quite a few more are in the section where I uploaded the video. Having keywords that match video content, a description that matches video content, and a title that matches content very greatly helps videos to be found by other people on the web.

Many of the Bethel Baptist and Word of Truth Conference messages do not have descriptions or keywords.  If you believe the sermons are a blessing and help advance the kingdom of God, you could help others find and watch them, not only by commenting on and "liking" the videos on YouTube, but also by taking notes and writing out a description and some keywords.  For whatever message(s) you write out a description, keywords, and (if needed) an improved title, please send me the written description and keywords, or contact Bethel with that information, and a brother in the church will likely be able to add that content in.  I simply do not have time to get that information for all of the messages Bethel already has online, but if a number of people help out/chip in, we can get this great Biblical content available to a greatly expanded audience.  Thank you for your willingness to help!


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