Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The Index for "What Is Truth"

During my short sabbatical from writing here at my blog, What Is Truth, I've been working on an index for this blog (the link to the index is all over this post, so click on it and use it). As a result, it is constantly changing.  Right this moment, the index functions up to March 2014.  It includes everything that I wrote at the Jackhammer blog, which ran between 2006 and 2011.  It includes everything published here, as of this moment, up to March of 2014, which also includes all of what Thomas Ross has posted here.  The Jackhammer posts are marked by (J) and the Thomas Ross posts are marked by (T).

The index is topical and scriptural.  I preach expositional mainly, not topical, but I write here in a topical way primarily.  I have chosen subject matter through the years that has interested me to write about.  Because of that, I wrote a lot about certain topics that are under attack from the world, in the culture, and among professing Christians.  I focus on the doctrines and practices that are historical and yet are disappearing because of a general apostasy.

When I am done with the index, I will make some finer delineations to the index.  You won't have to look at the whole index at one time, because I will divide into varied sections:  smaller alphabetical sections, Old Testament and New Testament, and then certain common themes.  I will replace the index of specific regular topics that are over in the right column at present.

I have some plans before I get back to writing again.  One, I am going to post my online debate with Frank Turk here.  It was online at his debate site, but he has erased all his debates.  In a sense, it is unfair because I wrote my half and he just eliminated it.  I'll bring it back, hosted here.  It will give you a good back and forth on the issue of preservation of scripture, how a debate would go on the subject, to see if the other side can stand up, giving its best material.  Two, we have been planning for awhile to have a video blog or podcast, so we need to work on that.  We will keep you updated on that.  Three, I have books and parts of books, and a tract, I need to work on to get them out.  We sold out of A Pure Church, so I need to give some attention to the reprinting.  There are many other things that go on, but these are keeping me busy.

In the meantime, use the index and read old articles.  If you didn't know about them, they will be like a new post for you.  Even though I'm not writing right now, this index is like writing, because it gives you plenty to read while I'm not writing.  You can find what you want now here without having to use the search function.  I will, Lord-willing, be back writing again, but until then you will have this index with hundreds and hundreds of articles or posts.  Enjoy.


  1. Appreciate your work, Pastor Brandenburg (& Bro. Ross). Your articles, and all, the entire stockpile! Have a blessed and happy New Year.

  2. Thanks Bill and happy new year to you too!

  3. This was a terrific read


  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I would like to ditto what Jim Peet said. It was great seeing how the Lord worked things out for good. Receiving a church property for free; that was especially encouraging.

    Thank you for all the hard work over the years. I've read almost every post, and the new index has been a great blessing. I frequently search for articles on a specific topic. I hope you will continue to write in the future.

    Chris L

  5. Thank you Jim and Chris. I hope for God's blessing upon you.
