Thursday, May 13, 2010

Latest Young People's Symphony Orchestra Concert

Two of my daughters play in YPSO. When my son was principal trombone in the orchestra two years ago, they toured Australia and New Zealand in the summer, playing at the Sydney Opera House. This summer is a domestic tour in June in Alaska. They will play in Anchorage and Fairbanks. When David Ramadanoff, the conductor steps to the platform, my oldest daughter is right behind his right arm on violin, and when he moves, my middle daughter is right behind his left arm also on violin, wearing black-rimmed glasses. The fifteen year old young man playing the piano was one of the concerto winners this year. He is a cello player in YPSO, but he competed on the piano. Enjoy.


    Love the concerto. Really great. I posted the video on my website. Hope you don't mind.

  2. Yes, Charles. Glad you enjoyed.
