Monday, January 12, 2009

You Know You're Fat When

I do work out several times a week, so I'm not in terrible shape. But I do need to lose some weight. We were getting a lot of pictures taken in relations to my parents' anniversary and so I kept looking at myself. This reminded me of the weight. We walked in the ocean and when I bent over to put my shoes back on, that reminded me too. It made me think of a possible category of jokes: "You Know You're Fat When...." I caught myself thinking of a few that were easy to get right off the top of my head.

You know you're fat when you bend over to tie your shoes and you can't breathe.

You know you're fat when you get out of your chair and lift the table up with your belly.

You know you're fat when someone asks if you're allergic to bee stings.

You know you're fat when you laugh and your double chins applaud.


  1. You know you're too fat when the city council says you're too fat to adopt, as was the case with this couple.

  2. You know that you're too fat when someone talks about your toes and waves of nostalgia sweep over your head



  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Those are funny, guys! Great work!

  4. You know you're fat when you squint, and your cheeks blur your vision!

  5. LOL,
    Thanks for the chuckle

  6. You know you're fat really don't think these are funny. :-)

  7. Since I don't have another post, I'll add another fat thought. You know you're fat when you need a rolling start to get off the couch.

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    You know you're fat when "sitting around the house" means exactly that

  9. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "You know you're too fat when your doctor diagnoses you with deadly flesh eating bacteria and gives you 23 years to live."
