Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Scriptural Prohibition of Alcohol

Here is a sermon I preached this last Sunday night at our church on the Scriptural prohibition of alcohol. You can listen or download here. It's an expositional message about 45 minutes in length. I post this because of the growing number of confessing evangelicals in support of alcohol.


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Thank you for posting this.

    I can relate to those who support alcohol because I am also a young fundamentalist growing dissilusioned with the movement. As a result, many of us have rejected nearly everything the movement stands for. I was heading that way until I realized that if you're going to claim to think for yourself, then you have to apply it to every situation.

    I must admit, after reading the blogs of thsoe who support alcohol, my perspective changed a little bit. I don't think it's necessarily a sin to consume it. But I also agree with what you said in the podcast, and overall my persepctive is totaly abstinence from a practicality standpoint. With all the sin related to alcohol, the admonition for Christians to be holy, and the wide variey of other beverages we have today, I see no earthly reason why any Christian should drink alcohol at all. But to be honest, that's my personal standard, and I think others have a few good arguments for theirs.

    Ultimately, it is a discussion we need to have. Those on one side simply reject everything their taught, perhaps they were taught the wrong reasons, and don't want to hear it. Those who abstain call everyone who drinks an abomination. I think it's good we talk about it and submit ourselves under the authority of the Bible, no matter what one's preference may be.

  2. Thanks DT. I understand someone being upset or even disillusioned with fundamentalism. And the idea of checking everything with Scripture is completely the right way.

  3. I did see your exchange with Doug Wilson in his blog. I think he was wanting you to say "wine." But your response was a loaded one which he wasn't willing to address. Excellent sermon, although it is a bit technical (YOU DID WARN YOUR LISTENERS), I love the simplicity of the command about not looking upon wine, that works for me.

  4. I found it interesting you kept feeling it necessary to go to the Hebrew / Greek. That strikes me as an implicit argument that the MT/TR are to be held as superior even for the english speaking audience to the KJV English. And if that is the case that seems to kill the KJV only position at least as I understand it.

  5. What exchange? I must have missed that one.

  6. CD Host,

    "As you understand it." I've never taken an English preservationist view. KJV only means that I use the KJV only. That's it. Why? It represents a different text than that of the modern versions. We also have the NKJV, but I reject that for other reasons, which leaves me KJV only.

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The things that are certain about alcohol is that it can cause illnesses in the long run. Alcohol consumption done at the most extreme levels are not good, considering it can cause addiction and makes a person unproductive and inefficient. That is why alcohol should always be regulated in order for it not to victimize the innocent.
