Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Announcement: Our Church Finishes Singing through all 150 Psalms

On Sunday evening, our church very unceremoniously finished singing all 150 of the psalms by singing Psalm 150:1-6. We decided to sing them in order right off the bat so that we would have sung all of them. It took a few years to finish. We sang them to God and because He said He wanted to hear them. The five books of the psalms are like an echo of the five books of the Pentateuch, giving back to God for what He has given us.


  1. We've sung through Psalm 22 with our family. I put them into a music notation program so I can read the words and the music at the same time like most American hymnals.

  2. We're actually on our third time through the first 22 Psalms. I need to get to work so I can move on to Psalm 23.

  3. It sounds good. It's good to hear.

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Sounds pretty Kewl.

    maybe because I am not very musical, can't carry a tune in a bucket and am often asked to sing On a Hill far away, far far away.

    But how do you do that? How do you give the psalms a beat, tune and sing the lyrics?

    Cathy McNabb

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    At Mid-Coast Baptist Church
    we have been singing the Psalms for just over a year now. We know it glorifies the Lord, and that is why we do it, but we also enjoy it immensely. I've preached through a few of the Psalms while we've done this. It has been good for us.

  6. Anonymous11:57 AM

    How do you sing all of the Psalms? Do you have them all set to music?

    Don Heinz
