Saturday, December 31, 2005


What's the point of armor? For sure, it makes for an interesting Bible lesson, especially for juniors, because often the little boys like the whole medieval knight thing. You could probably use up a few weeks of Sunday School doing that. I'm going to guess that you don't think that this is a major purpose of armor though. Ephesians 6:10ff does go into a lot of detail about it. Most people don't even require the armor because they either don't know what it's for or they don't do the activity for which it's needed. People back in the chow line at the mess hall don't need armor. People don't need armor to check the mail or to make a grocery run.

OK, here it is. Armor is for spiritual warfare. We "wrestle not against flesh and blood." We are battling spiritual forces of wickedness. These forces are deceiving people in their minds, setting up imaginations that exalt themselves against God (2 Cor. 10:3-5). The weapon is the Bible. The rest of the armor is for using the sword. So let's start with that. Do you use the Sword? In Acts the manifestation that most corresponds with the Holy Spirit filling people is boldness. Boldness in what? Boldness to preach the Bible to people. Most churches are not encouraging their people to be bold; they are trying to get people to stop offending anyone. Why do you think we are called to suffer in the Bible? Not enough people are suffering anymore in the United States. We are too busy attempting to impress the world.

I'm going to stop there, but you ask yourself what the armor of God is all about, and why it makes any difference for you to have it on. Then put it on and open your mouth boldly as you ought to speak.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    You are right about the "armor" making a good sunday school lesson. That is one lesson that I distinctly remember learning as a kid. It seemed to be an annual lesson at my Christian School. I think I have heard it so much that I don't thhink about it as I ought to. Thanks for the great reminder!
